How to assign students as peer reviewers?

How to assign students as peer reviewers

This tutorial illustrates the process of assigning students as peer reviewers to each other's answer set and to cloned templates.

Note: This action should be performed by the professor, and this action will only assign students who belong to the particular organisation and who have already submitted their own answer sets for peer review as peer reviewers. Only perform the actions after all students have submitted their answer sets for peer review. The answer sets' state need to be "Submitted For Peer Review", otherwise the actions won't work.

Click on "Organisation" module

Click on "Modules", then choose "Organisation" module, or you can choose "Organisation" directly from the main page. When you are located at the organisation list page, choose the organisation which you and all the students belong to.

Click on "Assign Peer Reviewer to Answer Set"

At the organisation page, under "Action" menu, choose "Assign Peer Reviewer to Answer Set". This action is used for assigning students as peer reviewers to each other's answer set.

System message: Assigned

If the action was performed sucessfully, you will see the system message " Peer Reviewer assigned to Answer Sets".
Note: There could be another system message displaying "One or more students submitted more than one answer set, please archive duplicates before assign peer reviewer". Since this action assign students to each other's answer set as peer reviewer, and each student should only be the peer reviewer of one answer set, so this action cannot run if one student submitted his/her answer set twice. In this case, you need to archive the duplicate one before proceed with this action.

System message: No Answer Set Found

If all the answer sets from the students, which are in the state "submitted for peer review" already have peer reviewers assigned to them, you will see the system message "No Answer Set found to be assigned to Peer Reviewer".

Clone templates and assign to students

Now you can clone templates from master templates, and assign students as peer reviewers to the cloned templates. To do so, choose "Clone Templates and Assign to Students" from the "Action" drop-down menu.

Note: the number of templates to clone will be calculated automatically according to the number of the students, and students will be assigned randomly to the templates. The templates are cloned from the master templates.

System message: Templates cloned

If the action was performed sucessfully, you will see the system message "Templates cloned and assigned to students".

Note: only the students who have already submitted their answer sets for peer review will be assigned to cloned templates. Be careful, this action checks whether a student has already been assigned to a template as a peer reviewer before.

System message: All students are assigned to Templates

If the students have already been assigned to templates once, then you will see the system message "All students have already been assigned to templates as Peer Reviewers".

Search Answer Sets which awaiting for Peer Review

To view the answer sets which awaiting for peer review (answer sets which are in the state "Submitted for Peer Review"), click on search icon on the tool bar.

Choose "Submittedt for Peer Review", then click "Search"

Now you are located at the search window. Here, choose "Submitted for Peer Review" from "Answer Set Workflow", then click on "Search" button.

View Answer Sets which awaiting for Peer Review

Now you are redirected to the answer set list page. You can view all the answer sets which are awaiting for peer review.

Note: you will also see the templates which are assigned to students. To distinguish students' own answer sets from the templates, you could check the person to see if he/she is a student from your organisation, or compare titles of the answer sets with the list of templates which has been provided to you, or just simply open one answer set to check whether the pattern is marked as "Peer Review/ Template".


To check whether an answer set is a template, simply open the particular answer set, and check if the pattern of the answer set is marked as "Peer Review/ Template".

Master Template

To check whether an answer set is a template, simply open the particular answer set, and check if the pattern of the answer set is marked as "Peer Review/ Master Template".

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