Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5

Zawee run its fashion retail business with two shops in Paris and its online shop weinparis.com with ERP5. Thanks to ERP5 Trade, ERP5 PDM and ERP5 POS, Zawee has complete control over its inventory of clothes, bags and accessories in all variations of colours and sizes. With EPR5 eCommerce Zawee can use the same product catalogue for online and offline sales. ERP5‘s social network integration allows Zawee to motivate its clients to promote Zawee products by rewarding facebook likes with loyalty points for shop discounts.
  • Last Update:2016-04-11
  • Version:001
  • Language:en
Zawee runs its local fashion shops and eCommerce web site with ERP5
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1 P-TSXX-Header Embedded File 2014/09/02 2014/09/02