Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How can I participate in OSOE? What are the conditions ? Do I need to buy a License ?

  • Last Update:2020-05-26
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

How can I participate in OSOE? What are the conditions ? Do I need to buy a License ?

OSOE is free as in freedom. The course material is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License and the underlying ERP System, ERP5 is published under the GNU General Public License.

There are two ways to participate in OSOE:

  1. Let your students participate in the OSOE MOOC: ERP5 MOOC Press Release
  2. Invite an experienced OSOE member to give the course at your university.

You can find the course material at www.osoe-project.org/lesson/osoe-Lecture.ERP.Configuration.Introduction.

You can use ERP5 for your students at no cost through the ERP5 Virtual Machine: www.osoe-project.org/P-ERP5.Com.Howto.ERP5.VM.

Alternatively, OSOE can provide SaaS instances based on SlapOS www.slapos.org at cost price. In this case, we have to know when the course will start and how many instances are needed.

For option 1), OSOE offers to supervise the course at your university by giving help to the professor. The OSOE rules to assure a successful course are:

  1. Make sure that the professor does the course himself before. He should do all the tutorials on an online instance provided by OSOE, fill the OSOE Exam questionnaire and the configuration spreadsheet. OSOE senior members will review the results to assure a high quality of the course.
  2. Make sure that students will do the OSOE evaluation part and that the OSOE grade will have an impact on their final grade. Else students do not finish seriously their assignment.
  3. Make sure that the students find a real company to interview for the evaluation part. See Session 7: ERP Consulting and Configuration on the Course Site. For the evaluation, students have to do an interview with the management of an organization. It can be a small company, like for example, a shop, an engineering company, a service company or a production company.
  4. Make sure you can allocate 3 x 8 hours of classes or more.

For option 2), if an OSOE member teaches at a foreign university, he usually requests to be paid as any other external professor would be paid.

If your are interested to participate, please contact us.