Generate Accounting Reports

How to create Accounting Report

This visual guide is part of a collection of documents created by the One Student One ERP (OSOE) project in collaboration with Institut Mines Telecom, Telecom Bretagne, Dresden University of Technology and the South Westfalia University of Applied Sciences. It can be used to teach modern ERP theory and practice to undergraduate students or professionals.

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  • Which reports you can generate
  • How to generate a report

In this guide, you will learn which type of report you can generate with ERP5, and how to generate them.

The Reports tab in ERP5 home page

The Reports tab

In order to see the list of reports available to generate, access your ERP5 instance through https://[URL]/erp5/web_site_module/osoe_runner/ and click on the Site Reports tab on the sidebar.

Once clicking on the Site Reports, you can see the Accounting area displaying a list of the reports you are able to generate: Trial Balance, Account Statement, Journal, Third Parties, General Ledger, Aged Balance, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Invoices Report. In order to create a report, simply click on the title of the report you want to create . In our example, we will create Account Statement.

Example: Account Statement

The Account.Statement Button 1

Account Statement

Here is an example of an Account Statement report Creation. As you can see in the screenshot, please follow the steps to set the following information.

Firstly, the Section Category is the group your company belongs to, you will have only one choice here (if you only have one group in your ERP5 instance); From Date and At Date (end date) are the dates delimiting your report. The At Date is compulsory .

Secondly, you can choose which Simulation State(s) you want to display in your report, and the Journal Type (types of transactions) you need to display.

Thirdly, you have to choose an Account, this is compulsory , and then you can choose one of your Bank Account if you have several ones.

Then, you can choose to display the Detailed Beginning Balance , and to Omit Grouped References . You can also choose the Format of your report. As you will see in this item list, many formats are already supported by ERP5.

Finally, when you are done editing, click the "Account Statement" button. Then you can save or print this Account Statement.

Account Statement example

Account Statement example

Here is an example of the Account Statement report we have just created.

Another example: Profit and Loss

Another example: Profit and Loss

Another example: Profit and Loss

As you can see on the picture, this is an other example of report: Profit and Loss. The parameters requested by ERP5 are different from the Account Statement, as the report itself is different.

Profit and Loss

Profit and Loss

Here is the Profit and Loss Report we have just created.

Thank You

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