Request Software Embedded Theia Runner


  1. Access Panel
  2. Add Service
  3. Select Software: Theia
  4. Select Latest Release
  5. Request Service: Webrunner theia
  6. Locate Theia Service
  7. Access Theia
  8. Verify the Software

The tutorial teaches how to request a Theia runner embedded with a software (html5as-base for example), which means when you request a Theia service, you are supplying and requesting a software too. 

If you want a pure theia, you can follow HowTo Request A Theia Runner

Access Panel

Access the panel via The Services page is here for you.

Add Service


Now you are in the "Services" page. On the page's navigation bar, you can find a button "Add", click it, you will enter a workflow which will create a software.

Select Software: Theia

The first stage is: 1/3 Select one Software. Here you will see a list which contains some softwares, choose "SlapOS IDE (using Theia)" and click.

Select Latest Release

You will enter the second stage: 2/3 Select one Release. Select the latest version of Theia (1.0.295 for example).  

Request Service: Webrunner theia

Now you are in the third stage: 3/3 Request Service: Webrunner theia. Input a title for your theia.

As you want to have a Theia embedded with html5as-base software, you can input the Initial Embedded Instance Configuration:

  "software-url": ""

You can also input other software URL to deploy it on Theia.

Click “Proceed”, wait a bit. 


Locate Theia Service

In the "Services" page, you can find the Theia you just requested. Click and enter, wait until the "instance" button becoming green. You will find more details about your Theia.

After requesting the service, wait for a few minutes (refreshing your page) until your url shows up in the Connection Parameter table. It is the URL for your Theia Frontend. The username and password are your login information.


Access Theia

Login into your Theia via url with username and password.

Verify the Software

You can open a Terminal via the button from the toolbar or press ctrl+shift+`.  Then you can type:

slapos proxy show

in your Terminal to inspect the information of your software and instance. 


Thank You

  • Rapid.Space
  • 147 Rue du Ballon
  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France
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For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Rapid.Space (+33 629 02 44 25).