Hyper Open Edge Cloud


Explain the relation between Grandenet and Rapid.Space SDN
  • Last Update:2020-11-26
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Q: What Is The Relation Between Grandenet And SDN ?

A: The SDN service is one of the basic services provided by Rapid.Space. It is legally available in China thanks to the company Grandenet which carries the "National VPN" license: 中华人民共和国增值电信业务经营许可证 (Value-added telecommunications business license of the People's Republic of China) 沪A1-20140091. The technology behind this Rapid.Space SDN service is called Re6st.

To understand more about Rapid.Space SDN service in China, please consult: 

To understand more about technology Re6st, please consult: