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How to use on-line questionnaire correction system

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  • Last Update:2016-07-19
  • Version:002
  • Language:en

How to use on-line questionnaire correction system

On-line questionnaire correction system ERP5

This tutorial teaches you how to correct the Questionnaire and the Category Spreadsheets entered by the students. For Infromation on what are good answers and what are bad answers, please refer to the tutorial How to fill the Questionnaire and How to fill the Category Spreadsheet.

ERP5 questionnaire system front page: My Favourites "Answer Set To Review"

Answer Set To Review

You find the answer set which have been submitted by the students in the My Favourites menue under Answer Sets to Review. Your students have to perform the submit action before you can correct their answer sets.

This tutorial teaches you how to correct the Questionnaire and the Category Spreadsheets entered by the students

Select the Answer Set

Select the answer set

Answer set View page: Choose and click on the answer's line

Choose and click on the answer's line

Answer line page: Press "Fast Input"

Press "Fast Input"

Select correction

Select correction

Usually you only add corrections which already exist in the system. You can select the correction you wish to add.

Edge Case: Create New Correction

Create New Correction

In very few cases you might not find a viable correction. If you are convinces your correction you want to add will be usfull for other correctors, you can add a new kind of correction to the system.

Add correction lines (2): Click on "Add Correction Lines to Answer"

Click on "Add Correction Lines to Answer"

Back to the Answer Set


After correcting the Answer you go back to the Answer Set to view the other Answer by kilcking the Breadcrumb of the Answer Set.

Answer set View page: Action "Request"


After finishing the corrections, you request the answer set. The student will then find the answer set in "Answer Sets to Improve". He can then change his answers and category spreadsheet according to your corrections and submit a new version