Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How to use request with Wordpress

A step by step guide to allocate SlapOS Request Method
  • Last Update:2016-11-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

How to use request method

This guide will teach you:

  • How to use WordPress with requesting profile

WordPress is more advanced PHP application than phpMyAdmin.

It is used as example of how to use fully featured SlapOS system – with asynchronous requesting of services.

Webrunner Configuration

Configure webrunner (1)

  • Configure git repository: Home->Create
  • URL is: http://git.erp5.org/repos/slapos.git
  • Name/email are not important

When you connect to the webrunner for the first time, it will ask you some informations. select "http://git.erp5.org/repos/slapos.git" as git repository. Put dummy name and email if necessary.

Configure webrunner (2)

Then, go back to webrunner home page, click on "open existing project".

Configure webrunner (3)

Select software/lamp-template and click on the "Open software" button. It will redirect you to the software profile edition page.

Wordpress deployment

Click on Current Software

Click on the top left button "Go to Current Software". It will allow you to edit files in your Software Release directory.

Open template

Select the "template/wp-config.php.in" file and prepare to edit it.

Edit configuration template

This template shall be edited as shown in the screenshot to add the SlapOS parameters.

When it is finished, do not forget to click on "update"

Configuration template example

Here is an example of filled Wordpress configuration file.

Edit Software Profile

In slaprunner, go to "Software : edit".

It is important to fill required fields. When it is finished, do not forget to click on "update".

Filled soft. profile example

This is correctly configured software profile

install software

As soon as software and instance profiles are provided it is time to build the software.

Students are responsible to debug the software build process and fix issues until no error will be found in software build log.

Run the instance

You need to run instance many times

This simulates computer partition requesting instantiation of another partition

It takes few times (about 3)

Now it is time to instantiate.

As asynchronous request method is used, it is required to run instantiation more the n once.

First one will send request to simulated SlapOS master.

Second one will instantiate requested partition.

Third one will finalise instantiation of requester partition


Now it is time to inspect the instance, in order to know how to connect.

As one can see there are two installed partitions.


There are two partitions

One is only with MySQL, other one with PHP application

But...just try and login to WordPress, works the same

There are two partitions – one with Apache + PHP + WordPress and another one with MySQL.

WordPress is automatically configured to connect to MySQL.

WordPress Install Screen

After successful instantiation it is possible to access WordPress.

It works!

As one can see, it is possible to login.

Stop the instance

In order to finish the work and free the resources it is good to stop the instance.