Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Web Runner Folder Hierarchy

XXX CLN: reference should be updated to specify it is to deploy ERP5 A step by step guide to allocate ERP5 instances with SlapOS either through VIFIB Web user interface
  • Last Update:2016-11-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Web Runner Folder Hierarchy (relevant for Web Runner usage)

From the instance root

  • srv/
    • runner/ # Root folder for development inside the runner. It is accessible in WebDav.
      • software/ # contains software build in the web runner.
      • instance/ # contains instances deployed (or being deployed).
      • public/ # public directory accessible by the public url.
      • project/ # contains projects repositories. They are accessible via the git-public and git-private urls.
      • softwareLink/ # Symlinks to built softwares.
      • instance.log # log of the last instance run.
      • software.log # log of the last software build.
  • etc/
    • ssh/ # starting folder when connecting in ssh.