Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Guideline A Link Between Internal Documents Uses A Relative Url

General link pattern convention.
  • Last Update:2017-04-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

A Link Between Internal Documents Uses A Relative Url

We can distinguish between absolute, path and relative links.

Absolute Links


  • increase number of entries in cache, bloats cache
  • beneficial for search engine optimization
  • allows for dedicated zope "threading" of resources by domain


  • incompatible with restricted site access
  • reduces portability from one website to another

Path Links


  • minimizes number of entries in cache
  • compatible with restricted access on one site
  • ensures content portability from one website to another


  • disadvantageous for zope "threading" resource utilization per domain
  • inferior for search engine optimization

Relative Links


  • minimizes number of entries in cache
  • compatible with restricted access on one site
  • ensures content portability from one website to another


  • reduces ability to cache
  • inferior for search engine optimization
  • disadvantageous for zope "threading" resource utilization per domain

Because we favour security and content portability, links from one HTML content to another HTML content should be relative link except link to content that only makes sense in a given context, for example an absolute lnk for a Nexedi press release which should be displayed on a Nexedi website.

Good Example:

<a href="erp5-HowTo.Put.Title.On.Links">Put titles on links</a>

Bad Examples:

<a href="http://www.erp5.com/documentation/devleper/erp5-HowTo.Put.Title.On.Links">Put titles on links</a>