Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Guideline Define Module Default Actions On Portal Action Tool

And not as portal type actions.
  • Last Update:2019-07-15
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Define Module Default Actions On Portal Action Tool

Outside of the view action, all other default actions (Sort, Search, Print, Modify UI, Import, Export and Change State) of the Module Portal Type are defined as global actions on portal_actions tool, you don't have to include them as portal type actions ( like it was done before). Those actions are now replaced global actions, if they are already present on the portal type, you have to remove them:

  • Sort: permission View, category object_sort, id sort_on and action string:${object_url}/Folder_viewSortOnDialog
  • Search: permission View, category object_search, id search and action string:${object_url}/Folder_viewSearchDialog
  • Modify UI: permission View, category object_ui, id list_ui and action string:${object_url}/Base_viewUIDialog
  • Print: permission View, category object_print, id print and action string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf
  • Import Csv File: permission Modify portal content, category object_exchange, id csv_import and action string:${object_url}/Base_importCsvFileForm
  • Export Csv File: permission View, category object_exchange, id csv_export and action string:${object_url}/Base_exportCsvFileForm
  • Change Workflow State: permission Add portal content, category object_workflow, id change_workflow_state and action string:${object_url}/Base_changeWorkflowState