Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Guideline Documentation Document Must Have Introduction Paragraph

Explain WHY document was written.
  • Last Update:2017-04-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Documentation Document Must Have Introduction Paragraph

All documents must have a short introduction explaining in a few sentences how the document can be used. Readers should see from this introduction whether to continue reading or not. Note:The introduction does not have a headline tag. Borrowing from research, the introduction leads the reader into the subject and gives the reasons why the article at hand was written. Think of why an article was written.

Good Examples:

A common problem is assessing whether ERP5 is a suitable solution. This page will 
help you to determine if this is the case. It will introduce ERP5 along with 
evaluation criteria as well as highlighting key factors that can make an ERP5 
implementation a success or failure.

Bad Examples:

<p>This HowTo teaches you how to write content.</p>

The bad example uses a headline and the description is not giving any information on what is really contained in the document. Summarize the key content the user can find here. Don't repeat the title or meta description, this is useless.