Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Guideline Headers Start At Level 1 And Are Not Numbered

Numbers and downgrades are made automatically.
  • Last Update:2017-04-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Headers Start At Level 1 And Are Not Numbered

Headlines (<h1,2,3,4,5,6>) should always start with the highest order (<h1>) and structure a document. It is forbidden to skip levels.

Bad Examples:

<h1>Main Topic</h1>
<h3>Sub Topic</h3>

Good Examples:

<h1>Main Topic</h1>
<h2>Sub Topic</h2>

It is also forbidden to declare any attributes on the header tags.

Bad Examples:

<h1 id="foo" data-noise="loud" >Main Topic</h1>

Good Examples:

<h1>Main Topic</h1>

Also note that headers should not be manually numbered. Both the numbering of the headers in the document and a generated table of content can be done automatically via CSS stylesheets. This way adding content does not require changing subsequent manual numbering.

Bad Examples:

<p>This HowTo teaches you how to write content.</p>

The example uses a headline and the description is not giving any information on what is really contained in the document. Summarize the key content the user can find here. Don't repeat the title or meta description.