Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Guideline Knowing Python And Zope Is Required For Developing ERP5

The basics a deveoper needs.
  • Last Update:2019-07-15
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Knowing Python And Zope Is Required For Developing ERP5

Python PEP 8 is a good start for python coders. It defines precisely the multiple naming conventions from which we have to choose. A must read.

Zope extends the python object model by adding

  • Zope Objects
    objects which can be published and accessed through the OFS implement acquisition of attributes and, in certain cases, skinning
  • Zope Methods
    It is possible to extend the behaviour of a Zope Object as defined in its class by calling special kinds of methods (DTML, Page Template, Python Script) stored in the OFS as Zope Objects