Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Guideline Link To Applicable Or Referenced Document Uses Title And Is Wrapped In Square Brackets

To flag links for auto tables.
  • Last Update:2019-07-15
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Link To Applicable Or Referenced Document Uses Title And Is Wrapped In Square Brackets

Referenced documents and applicable documents are often used in multiple types of documents.

  • All referended/applicable documents will be parsed and numbered automatically
  • A table of referenced document will be built and added to the web page
  • The title tag is mandatory
  • All other tags are optional

The format for referenced documents is:

[<a href="absolute/relative link" title="Title|Reference;Document Number/Issue">RD</a>]

Good Example:

.this is a link to Google [<a href="http://www.google.com" title="Google|Search Engine">RD</a>]

The format for applicable documents is:

[<a href="absolute/relative link" title="Title|Reference;Document Number/Issue">AD</a>]

Good Example:

... this applicable document [<a href="some_path_to_doc.pdf" title="Document Title|Description">AD</a>]