Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Guideline Use Path Links For Linking To Images Or Assets

Convention for working with inks in document content
  • Last Update:2017-04-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Use Path Links For Linking To Images Or Assets

We can distinguish between absolute, path and relative links.

Absolute Links


  • increase number of entries in cache, bloats cache
  • beneficial for search engine optimization
  • allows for dedicated zope "threading" of resources by domain


  • incompatible with restricted site access
  • reduces portability from one website to another

Path Links


  • minimizes number of entries in cache
  • compatible with restricted access on one site
  • ensures content portability from one website to another


  • disadvantageous for zope "threading" resource utilization per domain
  • inferior for search engine optimization

Relative Links


  • minimizes number of entries in cache
  • compatible with restricted access on one site
  • ensures content portability from one website to another


  • reduces ability to cache
  • inferior for search engine optimization
  • disadvantageous for zope "threading" resource utilization per domain

Because we favour security and portability, links to images and other HTML assets should be path links (ex. /asset/NXD-Screenshort.Some.Thing?format=png), except links to widely shared public assets (ex. fonts, standard icons) which can also be absolute links to a Nexedi CDN for optimization purpose.

Good Example:

<a href="/asset/NXD-Screenshort.Some.Thing?format=png">Put titles on links</a>

Bad Examples:

<a href="http://www.erp5.com/documentation/devleper/NXD-Screenshort.Some.Thing?format=png">Put titles on links</a>