Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Create Target Solvers

showing how to create flexible target solvers for divergence testers by using new simulation API.
  • Last Update:2016-02-11
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

With the new simulation API, we can create very flexible target solvers for each divergence testers.

(This page is not yet finished).

Table of Contents

How to create configure form

Page Template

The configure form for the target solver is rendered in Delivery_viewSolveDivergenceDialog's listbox by using FormBox. So the 'Page Template' column value in the 'Settings' tab of the form should be 'embedded_form_render'.

Please see QuantitySplitSolver_viewConfigurationFormBox for example.

Required field

Even if some values are really required in the configuration form, the validation should be only triggered by submitting request, not by updating request in Delivery_viewSolveDivergenceDialog. It is because we can change the target solver in updating phase, and the input in the configuration form can be completely meaningless.

To do that, we need to put the following in the 'Required' column in the 'TALES' tab of each required field:


Please see QuantitySplitSolver_viewConfigurationFormBox/my_start_date for example.

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