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How To Request an ERP5 Instance on a SlapOS Webrunner

Instructions on installing an ERP5 instance via SlapOS webrunner for learning or working with ERP5.
  • Last Update:2020-09-10
  • Version:005
  • Language:

How to Request an ERP5 Instance on a SlapOS Webrunner

These instructions will help you get your first ERP5 instance using a SlapOS webrunner. The document is for Nexedi developer (it requires a SlapOS network ) or users wanting to use Nexedi's commercial hosting service Vifib (how to register on Vifib). For getting your own instance on your machine, please use the standalone installer.

What is SlapOS?

SlapOS is an open source grid operating system for cloud orchestration and edge computing. Almost all ERP5 implementations are hosted through SlapOS as both tools share many similarities in they way they are built. If you are interested, have a look at the SlapOS software page and especially the general introduction and presentation on SlapOS architecture.

There are two ways to getting an ERP5 instance using SlapOS:

  • Requesting an "empty" Webrunner and deploying ERP5 as a software release (Production-Instance - recommended)
  • Requesting a Webrunner with ERP5 preinstalled

Getting A Webrunner and deploying ERP5 (recommended)

The following steps will help you get an empty webrunner to deploy ERP5:

Create an account on slapos.vifib.com

SlapOS Interface - Dashboard Login

Go to slapos.vifib.com and create an account (recommended). You may also create an account using Facebook or Google.

Request a new Service

SlapOS Dashboard

Once you have your account, click on Services in the left-hand panel.

We will be creating a new hosting-subscription (the service) for a Webrunner. This will create a Webrunner instance for us to use.

Add a new Service

SlapOS Dashboard - Services - Add a service

Click "Add" in the subheader to add a new serice

Select Webrunner

SlapOS Dashboard - Select Service Webrunner

Select SlapOS WebRunner

Select Latest Version

SlapOS Dashboard - Select Version Webrunner

Select the latest version

Configure Resilient Instance

SlapOS Dashboard - Configure Service Webrunner Version

Enter a name for your Webrunner and make sure to select the Resilient Software-Type, in order to create multiple geographically separated instances of your software. Click Proceed to request your service. The remaining parameters are not required.

Instantiate Webrunner

SlapOS Dashboard - Instantiate Service Webrunner

You will be redirected back to the service list. Note: Refresh the page if your service doesn't show up immediately. Your Webrunner will be ready in 10-15 minutes. Refresh the page from time to time to see when the status light turns green. When it does click on the Service (Not on the status-light!) to access the webrunner connection parameters

Access your Webrunner

SlapOS Dashboard - Connection Parameters Service Webrunner

Locate the table with Connection Parameters. Your init-login will be admin

Note down your init-password and click on the url parameter at the bottom of the table. This is the IPv4 url of your webrunner. Enter login and password in the prompt to continue to your Webrunner interface

Installing ERP5 on the Webrunner

Webrunner Interface

To request the ERP5 software release, click on Open a Software Release.

Select ERP5 Software

Webrunner Interface - Open Software Release

Locate the Software folder, which contains all software releases you can currently install on this Webrunner. Locate ERP5 and select the folder (don't open it). Then click the Open Software button on the bottom left to open the software release.

Save ERP5 Software Release

Webrunner Interface - Save Software Release

You can see which buildout profile and which revisions will be used to build your ERP5 instance from scratch. Just confirm the values by clicking Save at the bottom left. Then hit the green play button to start the software build.

Compilation - have a coffee

Requesting a Webrunner with ERP5 - SlapOS Webrunner Install Software Release

Compilation from scratch and installation will take a few hours. Once everything is done, both indicators should be showing a green state. Note: Should the indicators not show a green light, it may be, that installation did not complete successfully due to some errors like missing templates. Please hit the green button again - it will only take a few minutes to re-instantiate and see if installation finishes successful.

Compilation - Debugging

Requesting a Webrunner with ERP5 - SlapOS Webrunner Installed Software Release

Should you still have errors, please check the log on the left for ERROR entries to start investigating why your build and install did not succeed. A more detailed version of the logs can be found in the logs tab.

Requesting a Frontend Url

Requesting a Webrunner with ERP5 - SlapOS Webrunner Services Partition Parameters

Head to the Services tab and locate parameters on the Slappart0 partition or in case of a resilient runner, just click the "Connection Parameters" tab. Copy the family-default-v6 parameter (make sure you don't copy the family-default). We will use this to require a custom-front-end url for the erp5 instance. Head back to the SlapOS Interface.

Note: Please can also copy the inituser-password for later. It will be the password to access your ERP5 instance.

Updating Hosting Subscription Parameters

SlapOS Dashboard - Request ERP5 Frontend

Copy the value, head to your SlapOS Service page and add it as value for the Custom Frontend Backend URL to request an IPv4 frontend url for your instance. Also set the Custom Frontend Backend Type to "Zope". Click Save in the header. Requesting the Frontend should not take longer than 15 minutes. When refreshing the page it should be visible in the Connection Parameters table as custom-frontend-url.

Locate the Frontend Url Service

SlapOS Dashboard - Locate ERP5 Frontend Service

There may (still) be a bug that causes the custom-frontend-url to not show up when ready. Scroll down to the table called Instances and locate the Custom Web Frontend entry. Click on the row (not the green status button).

Locate the Frontend Url

SlapOS Dashboard - Locate ERP5 Frontend Url

Locate the Connection Parameters table. The Url parameter contains the domain name under which the ERP5 instance can be reached.

Click on this URL, you should reach your ERP5 instance (you should see zope quickstart guide). To access ERP5 itself add /erp5 to the URL (you should see the login page).

Login to ERP5

Your inituser is zope. You can now use the inituser-password you copied earlier in the Connection parameters when noting down the family-v6-url. Enter both to login to ERP5.

Getting A webrunner with ERP5 preinstalled

The following steps will help you getting your instance.

Request Webrunner with ERP5 Preinstalled

SlapOS Interface - Service XML Parameters

You can follow the steps above:

  • Go to https://slapos.vifib.com/
  • Add a new service called "SlapOS Web Runner (latest version)"
  • Enter the following Parameters for ERP5 (found here).

Partition Amount: 15
Pre-selected Software Release: software/erp5
Automatically Deploy Software: true
Automatically Deploy Instances: true
Automatically Run Sofware/Instance: true
Custom Frontend Backend URL: <Leave empty, fill after instance creation, see below>
Custom Frontend Backend Type: zope
  • Once done you should have a number of URLs available describe here.
  • Use the url (12) and Init User (7) and Init Password (6) to login to your Webrunner (initial setup described here). When accessing your Webrunner, your software release should be compiling already. This will take some hours. After the software release is compiled, the erp5 instance will be created. In the Log tab you can see the progress. Request the service by clicking on the green triangle (it will take a few hours). Note that when your account needs to be validated, your Webrunner instance may be generated, but ERP5 may not be built automatically. In this case, once you log into your Webrunner and access the Services tab, the connection information may be empty. Press the green play button to trigger compilation and instantiation manually.
  • Make sure to check "Services" > "Parameters" tab. The value of the field "Software Type of main instance" should be "default". If it is not, change it and then redploy service by clicking the green triangle again.
  • After your instance has been created, check the tab "Services" > "Connection Information". Here you will find a json dictionary parameter with the key family-default-v6 or just family-default. The URL will look something like https://[2001:67c:1254:e:b7::8680]:2151. Copy this url and paste into the Custom Frontend Backend URL Slapos Parameters which you left empty before.
  • When you refresh the web page of you slapos service after some time a new Connection Parameter should appear: custom-frontend-url(if it is empty, wait a bit more). Append "/erp5" to this link to access you new erp5 instance. You will find the initial user name ("zope") and the initial password of your instance in the "Services" > "Connection Information" tab of your webrunner.
  • Note: Should your instance not setup correctly or start, check the parameter tab in your WebRunner and try adding this parameter (key must be "_"), then re-instantiate by clicking the green triangle.
"_" : {
  "timezone": "UTC",
  "site-id": "erp5",
  "zope-partition-dict": {
    "admin": {
      "family": "admin",
      "thread-amount": 10,
      "port-base": 2210,
      "instance-count": 1

Thank You

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