Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Use Relationstringfield

How To showing how to use a field connecting records or allowing to create them.
  • Last Update:2016-02-09
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Table of Contents

RelationStringField are used thought system to relate documents between them, using specific category. For example it is possible to relate Person with Organisation using category career_subordination. Creation and definition of RelationStringField is described in HowToConfigureRelationField.

  • Emtpy RelationStringField: ERP5 HowTo | Relationstringfield Empty
  • Filled RelationStringField:ERP5 HowTo | Relationstringfield Filled

This screenshot show typical RelationStringField, which can be found on Person view. User have such possibilities to use it:

  • click on wheel to choose related documents
  • type full name of document and save the form
  • type part of the name with using % as any character globbing, and:
    • click on wheel, then presented list will be narrowed to typed string
    • click enter, or save the form, then listfield with found documents will be show

After saving relation between documents it is possible to jump to related document using airplane icon.

If it is needed to change relation, user have to delete text from field (make it empty) and then set relation using above possibilitiy.

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