Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How-To Handle Instance Abusing a Machine

Describes approach in case if instance is using too many resources on the machine.
  • Last Update:2022-04-21
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

In case if instance is abusing resources of a machine (like CPU, memory, disk, network) the operator is responsible to take proper actions. Here the operator can learn the general approach for such case.

Locate the Support Request

Locate the relevant Support Request related to the instance abusing the machine.

Find the cause of problem

Find the cause of the problem, which can be one of memory consumption, disk usage, CPU overuse or any other resource provided by the machine.

Contact the user

Contact the user by creating 2 new events (1 "Mail Message" event and 1 "Web Message" event) on the relevant Support Request. If the problem does not impact the machine fully (like disk filed), ask the user to fix the problem in 24h. Wait that time before Take actions.

Otherwise inform the user that actions are being taken, and he shall fix the instance as fast as possible.

Contacting the user consist of:

  • Add new even to the Support Request.
  • Setting the Support Request to Suspended.

Take actions

Stop the Hosting Subscription related to the Support Request.

If it is needed to do some clean up (like freeing disk space), execute it and inform the user about actions taken.

Assure that machine is running normally.