Generic shacache knowledge
Shacache is a cache to holds any kind of software resources (see homepage).
Shacache come with a generic python egg: slapos.libnetworkcache.
In order to ease the use of slapos.libnetworkcache, RapidSpace team developed a more specific egg: slapcache.
Install slapcache
First install slapcache using pip or pip3 (depending on your installation):
pip install slapcache
This will install 3 binaries:
~$ ls -1 /usr/local/bin/slapcache*
Configure slapcache
Then you need to create a generic configuration file by calling "sudo slapcache-conf". This will create the simplest configuration file in /etc/opt/slapcache.cfg
to be able to download from shacache using SlapOS Administrators certificate (This is the main feature of slapcache egg).
Then you need to obtain 2 different certificates/key to be able to upload:
- HTTPS certificate: in order to connect to through HTTPS (required to upload): it will be configured through sha{cache,dir}-{ca,cert,key}-file option. You need to ask an admin of to get one
- Signing certificate: to sign your uploads: it will be configured through signature-{private-key,certificate}-file options. Either you generate one yourself with the script generate-signature-key from slapos.libnetworkcache (in this case the public key must be added to signature-certificate-list whenever your signature should be accepted) or you get an existing one
When you have both certificate, you need to edit /etc/opt/slapcache.cfg
by adding the following lines in the [networkcache]
download-dir-url =
signature-private-key-file = /etc/opt/vifib_shacache_signature.key
signature-certificate-file = /etc/opt/vifib_shacache_signature.cert
upload-cache-url =
shacache-cert-file = /etc/opt/vifib_upgrader.crt
shacache-key-file = /etc/opt/vifib_upgrader.key
shacache-ca-file = /etc/opt/shacache/ca.crt
upload-dir-url =
shadir-cert-file = /etc/opt/vifib_upgrader.crt
shadir-key-file = /etc/opt/vifib_upgrader.key
shadir-ca-file = /etc/opt/shacache/ca.crt
Make sure to use the proper path for your configuration.