Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How to create Bank Accounts

In this presentation, you will learn how to create new users for your ERP5 instance.
  • Last Update:2021-06-16
  • Version:005
  • Language:en

How to create Bank Accounts

How to create Bank Accounts

This visual guide is part of a collection of documents created by the One Student One ERP (OSOE) project in collaboration with Institut Mines Telecom, Telecom Bretagne, Dresden University of Technology and the South Westfalia University of Applied Sciences. It can be used to teach modern ERP theory and practice to undergraduate students or professionals.

In ERP5 you can create bank accounts for related persons or organisations, in use of creating a sale order or an invoice, and also for accounting.

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  • Reach the Financial Information of the Organisation
  • Add Bank Account
  • Validate the Bank Account

In this tutorial, we will use our organisation VIFIB as an example to show you how to create Bank Account in ERP5.

The process of creating a Bank Account for an organisation has three steps: Firstly, reach Financial Information of the Organisation from the document of this Organisation for which you want to open add a Bank Account. Secondly, Add Bank Account for this Organisation by using the "+Add". Finally, Validate the Bank Account .

Reach the Financial Information from the Organisation document

Organisation document

The Bank Accounts belong to the Financial Information of the Organisation. So first, let's reach the Financial Information of our Organisation VIFIB.

You can reach the Financial Information from the Organisation's document. Just need to click on the "Financial Information" on the sidebar .


Financial Information Tab

Financial Information Tab

You are now directed to page of the Financial Information of our Organisation VIFIB, listing the Bank Accounts and Accounting Periods of VIFIB.

Action: Add Bank Account

Action: Add Bank Account

To create a Bank Account for this Organisation,  click on "+Add" and choose "Bank Account" in the Document Type List.

Edit Bank Account

Edit Bank Account

Now a new Bank Account document has been created, fill up the fields with the necessary information and save the changes.

Note: If the the organisation you used in the "Bank" field has not been created in your ERP5 instance, you might be asked to add the organisation so that you can finish the creation of the Bank Account.

Action: Validate

Action: Validate

After editing the information of the Bank Account document, click on "Validate" on the sidebar .

Check the Bank Accounts List

Check the Bank Accounts List

To check the creation of the new Bank Account, please go back to the Financial Information tab of the Organisation document. You can see now the new Bank Account we just created has been shown in the list of bank accounts related to our Organisation VIFIB.

Follow the same steps, you can create as many bank accounts as you need.