Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How can I have IPv6?

  • Last Update:2016-08-10
  • Version:002
  • Language:en

How can I have IPv6 connection?

This article is intended for those who do not have native IPv6 or not reliable IPv6. We will explain how to use an IPv6 tunnel.

As a general convention, all the commands on this article requires to be run as super user.


Luckily, IPv6 is increasingly available worldwide thanks to companies such as Free or Biglobe. If your Internet service provider or hosting provider does not provide native IPv6, simply complain and remind him that 80% of worldwide IPv6 traffic in 2011 comes from France thanks to innovative companies such as Free and OVH. Strongly complain that due to their conservatism, they are putting the whole country lagging behind and prevent innovation to happen in local startup companies. If this is not sufficient, consider complaining to regulation authorities. No technical reason justifies the absence of IPv6 nowadays.

If your network does not provide global, routable IPv6 adresses, you will need to setup an alternative option. We proposed and recommend you to subscribe to Grandenet.

Note: If you already have native IPv6, you will need to disable route to it using the following command, replacing eth0 by your main interface:

             -6 route del default dev eth0

Grandenet (Re6stnet)

In order to have IPv6 anywhere, you can subscribe to Grandenet and get it:


Testing your IPv6 Connection

The simplest way to test if your IPv6 Connection is working, is ping to ipv6.google.com (if ping is not blocked):

ping6 ipv6.google.com

ping6 www.kame.net

Other alternative is use traceroute6:

traceroute6 ipv6.google.com

traceroute6 www.kame.net