Hyper Open Edge Cloud


What Are The Solutions To Manage Sim Cards On ORS
  • Last Update:2024-09-27
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Q: What Are The Solutions To Manage Sim Cards On ORS ?

A: Amarisoft supports 3GPP and can thus connect to external core networks or HSS providing that these comply with 3GPP. We also offer solutions to manage SIM Cards locally. Here are the different solutions possible and the pros and cons:

  Pros Cons
Local Core Network and Roaming
  • Best user experience
  • Resilient
  • Rapid.Space is not yet an operator (it will soon be)
Local Core Network with integrated HSS
  • Resilient
  • Sure to work
  • Requires our SIM Cards
  • Operators might be reluctant
Local Core Network with External HSS
  • Resilient (if proper cache used)
  • Hard to integrate
External Core Network
  • Sure to work
  • Not resilient
  • Operators might be reluctant