Hyper Open Edge Cloud


What Is The Upload And Download Throughput Of ORS
  • Last Update:2024-09-27
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Q: What is the maximum upload and download throughput supported by ORS ?

A: Here is a table of measured throughput with ideal lab conditions depending on TDD configuration / FDD:

TDD or FDD configuration LTE / NR 40 MHz 20 MHz 1.4 MHz
DL (Mbps) UL (Mbps) DL (Mbps) UL (Mbps) DL (Mbps) UL (Mbps)
TDD Config 2 - DSUDDDSUDD - 5ms 2UL 6DL  LTE / / 150 17 10 1.20
5ms 2UL 7DL 4/6 NR 300 35 150 17    
5ms 8UL 1DL 2/10 NR 70 110 35 55    

Speed is proportional to bandwidth, so for instance with 10 MHz bandwidth you have twice as less throughput as with 20 MHz bandwidth, you can use this to deduce speeds in other bandwidths.