Hyper Open Edge Cloud

Can I Rent Rapid.Space Hardware

Can I Rent Rapid.Space Hardware
  • Last Update:2020-08-19
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Yes, besides purchasing hardware, Rapid.Space also provide renting or hosting hardware options. This includes  hardwares such as servers, switches, racks and remote radio head (RHH).  All Rapid.Space hardwares are provided with a permanent OMT (Operational Management Token). 

Rent or hosted prices are valid ONLY for a 36 month contract.

With renting contract, Rapid.Space will ship out the hardwares to client assigned location, client will take care of the rest such as electricity, network, location, etc. 

With hosting contract, Rapid.Space will provide its hardwares hosting in Rapid.Space data centers to client and client has complete control of the use of hardwares.

Maintenance of purchased or rent hardwares is based on returning it to the workshop. It takes about a month. Hosted hardwares can be replaced within 24 hours by similar server in case of problem.

For further details of renting or hosting price, please consult pricing pages: Server Pricing, Rack Pricing, Switch Pricing, RHH Pricing.