Hyper Open Edge Cloud

HowTo Create Raspberry Image for Remote Maintenance

How To prepare a Raspberry Pi device to be used as a remote maintenance box by Rapid.Space team
  • Last Update:2020-09-22
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Prepare Raspberry for Remote Maintenance



When Rapid.Space provider needs to do some maintenance on the server and they want the help of Rapid.Space people, it is better to have a Raspberry Pi device where Rapid.Space team can always connect to. This raspberry pi will connect to the internet using the hotspot of mobile phone. Rapid.Space team will connect to this raspberry pi using re6st.


How to setup the raspberry pi

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
  netmask 24

# setup of Wifi connection, make sure to use the parameter from your phone
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
        wpa-ssid yourwifiname
        wpa-psk yourpassword
  • install Freefib re6st (run the comands as root)
wget https://deploy.erp5.net/gnet/re6st # in China, you can use "wget https://deploy.erp5.cn/gnet/re6st"

# make sure to have requested a token (see vifib-HowTo.Request.Freefib.Re6st.Token)
FORCE=yes bash re6st

# you will need to insert your token and chose if you want router advertisement
  • install openssh-server
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo systemctl start ssh
sudo systemctl enable ssh
  • setup the Rapid.Space team ssh key in pi account (run the command below as pi user)
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys << EOF
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5qVcd6gclQmxL9i0Vsasy6vMiVaIjKHHNAwVBRjx0Ie+sDxaCZRJHrRGJmbDMMJBSV2vO08DgureHdDkXoLpR4M7LjgjPW/gAP3nQ9w0b8L1VixXvXiIDWIdgeD+beHrMJyZM0cbEWN1nGL0eMP8C9PWIZDvxPvAGDwW1uSDKdBtfQuLTcByWQa0IP9I/tJaC5gov8IOdWS6x7pqZW29SYoRd0HOQJfODoq8lFhtCrpMbzgXEaXTglSTXPI92URqSAqY2WXW1Aqm3baZSU5eM9HfU7a6OYC8RQ0Lywxw276uHRribLSPZelWO+HiIEu7jQ3VUIe0bXu5tgcMsuswd luke@nexedi.com-chronos

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5MAMmMmojqNRoOnGc7xGoJWWAzYo2f2zO2K4elsZhHfG6l2SQJTmna0DuUi8qEtBbA9+TN1HAOeEXQKMsQyydG8dAE9vT41Lj5y8kXQDDquQxcpTIrqjmSqxjG42Olk+sT+XvcdyqA//29OHhhrKdhIf9LAOsIPHDYW06hRMf7kXIgt3MNi8ayPpA9coTHIscvV8MzwbF2q8Owrkj5UpPmSd/cjmFTcijT3rXmN0E1d3lrCvIuqxFBsFB47o0q53rFZMc5HoHQjJbg6dB4E0GNT0Ujl9ZaIDEzQbe1/T5BVWXrwDfYXbj8UlqtXeFQlo2dB+au2tHw56s4boqDxIl thomas.gambier@nexedi.com
  • give the IPv6 to the Rapid.Space team (run "ip -6 address" command and give the output to Rapid.Space team) so they can test if they can access


Optional: use this raspberry Pi to install the OCP machine's OS

You can now follow rapidspace-HowTo.Partner.Server.OS.Installation if you want to use this Raspberry device to install the OS on your OCP machines.