Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Deploy ERP5 in Theia With Embedded Software URL

How To Deploy ERP5 in Theia With Embedded Software URL
  • Last Update:2023-06-01
  • Version:001
  • Language:en


  • Supply And Request ERP5
  • Wait for Deployment
  • Request Frontend
  • Verification

These instructions will help you get your first ERP5 instance using Theia. The document is for Nexedi developer (it requires a SlapOS network ) or users wanting to use Nexedi's commercial hosting service Rapid.Space. For getting your own instance on your machine, please use the standalone installer.


  1. A Theia Runner: HowTo Request A Theia Runner Embedded With A Software
  2. Know: How to supply and request a software in Theia
  3. Know: How to Request a Rapid.Space CDN

Prepare Supply and Request for ERP5

Follow the steps in HowTo Request A Theia Runner Embedded With A Software to request an ERP5 software. 

The Initial Embedded Instance Configuration for ERP5 Software is

  "software-url": "https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos/raw/master/software/erp5/software.cfg"

Wait for Installation

Once have the access to the Theia instance you can check the logs to make sure it has been deployed and installed:

$ tail -f ~/srv/runner/var/log/slapos-node-software.log

$ tail -f ~/srv/runner/var/log/slapos-node-instance.log

This will download, build and install the required packages and deploy ERP5 and a Frontend (Apache) service inside. Note, that, as mentioned, in case the required files are not available from binary cache, compilation may take several hours.

Get Connection Parameters

Get some help from slapos service to have the connection parameters listed:

$ slapos service list
# List of services:
# embedded_instance https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos/raw/master/software/erp5/software.cfg
$ slapos service info embedded_instance

Read Connection Parameters

There are some important parameters:

"family-default-v6": "https://[2001:67c:1254:e:c1::8b91]:2152", 
"inituser-login": "zope", 
"inituser-password": "lYmAGUZtdF6JH1H1"

You can monitor your Theia instance by monitor-setup-url. If you have '&' in the monitor-setup-url,please replace it to '&'.family-default-v6 is the Backend URL for the ERP5 instance. Copy the IPv6 URL family-default-v6 for the next step. inituser-login is the administrator username and Backend Type of the ERP5. inituser-password, apparently, is the password to zope.

Request a CDN in Rapid.Space for the IPv6

Follow the steps to get a free CDN: How to Request a Rapid.Space CDN

Please fill the following fields in the configuration page:

  • "Title": this is the title of your frontend, it is just to name the service inside the panel, which will be displayed in the list of Services. It is recommended that name it like your domain.
  • "Backend URL" : Set the IPv6(family-default-v6) provided by the request.
  • "Backend Type": Set it to "zope"


  • Get URL from connection parameter of the CDN
  • Access ERP5 using init-user and init-password from request


Get URL from connection parameter of the CDN and add "/erp5" after the URL. Access ERP5 using inituser-login and inituser-password from request