Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Bootstrap ERP5 with Webrunner

How To describing how get started with a new ERP5 project using Web Runner.
  • Last Update:2016-02-26
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

This HowTo describes how to bootstrap a new ERP5 project using SlapOS Webrunner.

Table of Contents

Request a new web runner with ssh access and apache frontend

First get an account on vifib.com. Then install slapos on your computer by following the tutorial Install Slapos Package. Request a new Web Runner from command line with paramaters to access the webrunner by ssh and to get a fronted for ERP5:

slapos request my-webrunner-name product.slaprunner --parameters 'custom-frontend-backend-url=https://[${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}]:2151' 'custom-frontend-backend-type=zope' 'user-authorized-key=my-public-key'

XXX There is also this tutorial:  Request Parameters for pre-built ERP5 environment, but can slapos-reference parameter be used with a custom software release in a read restricted repository ? XXX

Create a git repsoitory for you project

You can either create a git repository for your project inside Web Runner or you create a git repository elsewhere and clone it into your Web Runner.

To create a git repository inside Web Runner follow the tutorial  How to set up an empty HTML5 project in the webrunner. Leave out the part of creating the "index.html" file, instead we create a file "software.cfg" in the next step.

If you prefer to use a git repository which you created elsewhere, then first click on "Clone a Repository into your local Workspace" in the Web Runner home screen.  Then follow the tutorial How to set up an empty HTML5 project in the webrunner. Leave out the part of creating the "index.html" file, instead we create a file "software.cfg" in the next step. Also leave out the "git init" part, because you are working on a cloned repository already, so you don't need to initialise a new one.

Create the software configuration for your project

On the Web Runner home screen click on "Create your Software Release". Then select your project directory and click "Create". In the editor define the software configuration for your project as described in the tutorial How to Define the Software Configuration for a new ERP5 Project.

Define software type

If you want your erp5 site to be created automatically, than you have to define the software type "create-erp5-site". To achieve this, in Web Runner, click on "Services", than on "Parameters". In "Software Type of main instance" enter "create-erp5-site". Then click on "Update Values".

XXX Again, there is also this tutorial:  Request Parameters for pre-built ERP5 environment, but is the slapos-software-type parameter used when we create a new software release with Web Runner ? XXX 

Run software and instance profile

In Web Runner click the green arrow button  to run the software and create the instances. This will take several hours.

Access ERP5 through apache frontend

After the software and instances have been created sucessfully, you can access ERP5 through the apache fronted which was created for the webrunner. You can find the url in the connection parameter of the web runner named "custom-frontend-url". You can find the user name and password in Web Runner in Services -> Connection Information -> slappart 0.

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