Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Delete Orders

How To showing how to delete orders in ERP5.
  • Last Update:2016-02-09
  • Version:002
  • Language:en

The ability to delete a given sale or purchase order depends of the state of the document. You can only delete 'Draft' orders. Otherwise you will be able to 'Cancel' the document or even sometimes you wont be able to change anything on the Order.

Table of Contents

Steps to Delete

  1. Go to the Sale or Purchase Order module which will provide you a list of every objects in this module.
  2. Select the Draft Order you wish to delete by clicking on the small square at the beginning of the line
  3. Click on the small red cross button in the action bar, which brings you to a confirmation dialog
  4. Click on "Delete Objects" button to confirm

Once Draft Orders are deleted, you'll see a message in at the head of the list  displaying "Deleted."

Steps to Cancel

  1. Go to the Sale or Purchase Order module which will provide you a list of every objects in this module.
  2. Select the Order you wish to delete by clicking on the small square at the beginning of the line. You only can delete orders which are 'Draft', 'Planned' and 'Placed'.
  3. Click on 'Action...' >> 'Change State', which brings you to a confirmation dialog
  4. Select the changes you want to make then click on 'Change State' button to confirm

This action can be performed one by one, using the same menu on each document you wish to Cancel.

Orders that can't be Cancelled

Orders in the state of 'Confirmed', 'Offered' and 'Rejected' can't be cancelled. This is because those states are the final one in the workflow.

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