Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Export Stock Report

How To showing how to export stock report
  • Last Update:2019-02-19
  • Version:004
  • Language:en


In ERP5, stock quantities are calculated in real time by summing all incoming movements, for example purchase packing lists and by subtracting all outgoing movements, for example sales packing list, consumptions from production or disposal.

Table of Contents

Stock Management in ERP5

You can check each product's quantities in real time. In ERP5, there are three simulation period for stock: Current, Available, Future. 

If you go to any product's view in Product Module, click on Stock Tab, you will see the stock of this three simulation period for this product on this day:

Current stock: by the day, the quantity of the product after all the related movement with state Delivered are considered. 

Available stock: by the day, the quantity of the product after all the related outgoing movement with Confirmed state are considered.

Future stock: by the day, the quantity of the product after all the related incoming movement with Confirmed state are considered.

From the inventory module, you can export a stock report by choosing one of this simulation period. This report gives you a list of all products which are registered to be in stock.


The procedure to export a stock report goes as follows:

Go into Inventory Module, click on Report icon:

Fill in the parameters:

Site: physical stocking point

Section Category: ownership of the stock

At Date: stock quantity for a certain date

Simulation Period: Current or Available or Future

Format: report format

Besides, you can pick up the following criterias depends on your preference:

Don't Display Positive Stock

Don't Display Negative Stock

Don't Display Zero Stock

Detailed Report of Items

After defining your parameters for the report, click on "Stock Report" to export.