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How To Generate Account Statement

How To showing how to generate account statements in ERP5.
  • Last Update:2016-02-09
  • Version:003
  • Language:en

How to showing the steps to generate account balances and statements in ERP5.

Table of Contents

Creating An Account Statement

Two ways are possible for generating an account statement:

  • Create a simple account statement
  • Create a more complex account statement

Simple account statement

If you just want to generate the list of all transactions related to one accounting account you created, the procedure goes as follows:

  1. Go the the account module: 'Module' >> 'Account'
  2. Click on the account for which you want the list of transactions which have been made
  3. Go on the 'Transaction' Tab of the account:
  4. You will see the list of transactions related to the account. This list is not filtered so you will see every transactions (even draft one) and you won't be able to filtered transactions related to a particular third party or bank account.

  5. Click on the print icon
  6. Generate the print out and print it (learn How to generate print out in ERP5)

More detailed account statement

You can also generate more detailed account statement thanks to ERP5 accounting report system.

The procedure goes as follow:

  1. Go to the accounting module: 'Modules' >> 'Accounting'
  2. Click on the report icon
  3. A Dialog Box will appear in which you will be able to generate many different reports:
  4. For Account statement select:

    • Report: Account Statement
    • Section category: Select the section related to the company or business unit for which you want the report
    • From Date: Choose beginning date of account statement (included)
    • At Date: Choose end date of account statement (included)
    • Simulation State: Select the state that will appear on the report. You can select as many state as you want by using ctrl + right click.
    • Journal Type: You can choose to have a report with only one or more type of transaction
    • Format: Choose the format in which you want the report to be generated
    • Account: Choose the account for which you want the statement
    • Third Party: You can select a specific third party, it will generate an account statement with transaction related to this specific third party
    • Bank account: You can select a specific bank account, it will generate an account statement with transaction related to this specific bank account

  5. Once you have selected the option according to what you need, click on 'Account Statement'
  6. The account statement will be generated and download will start

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