Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Configure ORS With Root Access

Configure ORS with root access
  • Last Update:2025-02-12
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

How to use Amarisoft software

Please read the provided Amarisoft documentation to learn how to use their software.

We have also written a very basic tutorial which can help you getting started:

Make sure your FPGA is up to date and your SDR driver is patched

Please read make sure your FPGA is up to date and patch it if necessary by using this repository: https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/ors-root-access 

For Amarisoft versions more recent than 2024 it is also needed to patch the kernel driver, the instructions are also on the repository.

If your ORS has a broken VCXO (issue present on the first batches of ORS 2x1W making it impossible to sync with GPS) then you need to load a Amarisoft SDR module from 2021 first after powering on your ORS before you load a more recent SDR module. If you load a recent SDR module without loading the old one first, you have to reboot your ORS.
To do this automatically when starting the lte service, you can patch /root/trx_sdr/rrh_check.sh as follows:

FOUND=$(lsmod | grep sdr || echo "")
if [ "$FOUND" = "" ] ; then
    echo "Initialize SDR kernel module"
    (cd /root/trx_sdr-2021/kernel && make clean && make && ./init.sh && rmmod sdr) # ORS BROKEN VCXO PATCH
    cd kernel
    set +e

Default provided configuration files

Rapid.Space will provide default configuration files:

  • /root/config-amarisoft/enb/ors-config/* : eNB configuration
  • /root/config-amarisoft/mme/ors-config/mme-ims.cfg: MME configuration
  • /root/config-amarisoft/mme/ors-config/ue_db-ims.cfg: Sim Card Database configuration

Symbolic links are also made to /root/enb/config/enb.cfg and /root/mme/config/mme.cfg

If you do not have the "config-amarisoft" folder, please clone it:

root@orsXX:~# git clone https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/config-amarisoft.git

To make sure you get our latest updates, you can update the config-amarisoft repository before using it:

root@orsXX:~# cd ~/config-amarisoft
root@orsXX:~/config-amarisoft# git pull

Use a configuration from Amarisoft

If you are starting from an example configuration file from Amarisoft, make sure to set all these ORS specific parameters:

  • rx_antenna:"tx_rx" in rf_driver
  • tdd_tx_mod: 1 in rf_driver
  • TX and RX gain: see the sections below to configure, do not set these values too high like on the callbox !
  • cell_list / nr_cell_list: only one cell should be configured
  • for 5G: manual_ref_signal_power: true and ss_pbch_block_power: XX in nr_default_cell, see the section below on TX gain for more details
  • for 4G: manual_ref_signal_power: true in cell_default, and referenceSignalPower in sib2_3.asn file,  see the section below on TX gain for more details

Switch between 4G and 5G

To switch between 4G and 5G, you can make symbolic links from either eNB configuration files or gNB configuration files:

root@orsXX:~# cd ~/enb/config
root@orsXX:~# ln -sf ~/config-amarisoft/enb/ors-config/enb.XXX.cfg enb.cfg
root@orsXX:~# ln -sf ~/config-amarisoft/enb/ors-config/gnb.XXX.cfg enb.cfg

You do not need to change core network configuration when switching between 4G and 5G.

Log location

While amarisoft is running, you can find logs in /tmp/enb.log, /tmp/gnb.log or /tmp/mme.log.
After amarisoft has finished running logs will be copied to /var/log/lte
You can also use Amarisoft web interface to read the logs, please check Amarisoft documentation.

Please read How To Interpret ORS Logs to learn how to interpret the logs.

Important parameter for 5G

Please make sure you have "dpc_snr_target: 25," in your "pucch" section and in your "pusch" section.
This is a very important option which will make the UE continously adjust its power in a closed loop instead of adjusting it only at the beginning.
That way, if the UE is close it will emit less, and if the UE is far it will emit more.

Change TX gain

When you change TX gain you need to change the following values in 4G and 5G:

  • 4G: In sib2_3.asn file:  referenceSignalPower tx_gain - OFFSET
  • 5G: In gnb.cfg file: ss_pbch_block_power: tx_gain - OFFSET

OFFSET is equal to 54 if your ORS is a 2 x 1W and 35 if you have a 2 x 0.5W
This is important for eNB / gNB to communicate it's signal power so that the UE can deduce how far eNB / gNB is and adjust it's power consquently.

Adjust RX gain

To adjust RX gain, please go in the enb screen and type "t spl", the "MAX" values you see for the RX antennas should never reach 0 and should be around -10.

License error 1

If Amarisoft exits in a bad state you might have some leftovers lock files, this can cause license error 1 when running Amarisoft.

If you encounter this error please remove the lock files with the following command:

root@orsXX:~# rm -rf /tmp/.lte*

Upgrade Amarisoft

To upgrade Amarisoft, please follow the instructions here: https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/ors-root-access

Change network configuration

Please first disable the ORS ansible playbook before changing the network configuration, it runs every day with anacron in order to perform some upgrades and reporting.
For this, comment the line starting by "1 10 extra.playbook " in /etc/anacrontab

By default, ORS uses systemd-networkd as a network manager, you may find the configuration files in /etc/systemd/networkd/

Warning: If you make a mistake while changing the network configuration, you might loose access to ORS and have to send it to us, if you are unsure ask us first before proceeding.