Hyper Open Edge Cloud

How To Use Rapid.Space Panel

How to understand and use Rapid.Space Panel
  • Last Update:2024-08-06
  • Version:001
  • Language:en


  • Service Page
  • Access each section on Service Page

This tutorial introduces the sections on the Rapid.Space Panel, and presents what will you get after clicking on each section. 

Access Panel

πŸ”— Rapid Space Panel


You will land on the Services page once you login to Rapid Space Panel. There are several sections in the panel:

We will go through them in this tutorial.

Access Services

 πŸ”— Services 

The services you requested will be listed in the "Services" section. For more informations, you can refer to How to Access your Services in Rapid.Space Panel, which will teach how to access your services (VPS) in Rapid Space Panel, including using short titles to identify the services and using the search bar to locate the services.   

Access Dashboard

On the Dashboard page, there are a map indicating your sites' locations; a Sites list displaying your servers' sites; a Pending Tickets to Process presenting the pending tickets.

Access Login Account

Your login account information will be listed on Login Account page. For example, you can assign a computer to your account by Requesting Certificate, referring to How To Assign A Computer To Your Account By Certificate. 

Access Tickets

Your tickets are gathered on Tickets page. The tickets are generated automatically by our monitoring system, indicating a problem on your services. If this service is not hosted on a Computer owned by you, our support team is going to check the state of your system as soon as possible. You can generate RSS or Critical RSS by clicking the buttons on the toolbar. You can also add a ticket to contact with Rapid.Space team (Read more on How To Add A Ticket To Contact Rapid.Space Team)

Access Sites

Locate the Sites entry on the side panel which will take you to the list of declared sites. (Read more on How to Add New Site )

Access Projects

Projects in the Rapid.Space Panel correspond to Projects in the underlying ERP5 interface. Projects are required to be able to clearly distinguish computers in a network. (Read more on How To Add A New Project )

Access Invoices

Click on Invoices on the left tool bar, you will access a list of all your invoices in Rapid.Space. To pay your invoice, click "Pay Now", you will be redirected to paying page. You can also download each invoice in PDF. 

Access Servers

Your SlapOS nodes will be listed here. 

Learn more on:

Access Networks

Networks correspond to Computer Networks in the underlying ERP5 interface and are also required to clearly distinguish computers being used. (Read more on How To Add A New Network )

Access Language

Here you can change the language you want to use for Rapid.Space Panel, currently, there are English and Chinese available. 

Access Monitor

The SlapOS Monitor is a stand-alone application hosted on Nexedi's OfficeJS appstore (more information on OfficeJS).

The Monitor can connect to and observe any SlapOS deployment. It covers network and individual computers status as well as partition processes running. Once connected with a SlapOS deployment, the Monitor is tightly integrated into the SlapOS Master Dashboard and can be accessed in multiple ways which are alos shown in this section.

The easiest way to access the monitor is via the Access button on the side menu of the SlapOS Dashboard. Click Access Monitor in the left menu.

You can learn How To Monitor A VPS On Rapid.Space.

Get Re6st Token!

Re6st okens are a custom extension in Rapid.Space to directly use the Re6st based IPv6 network gateway provided by Rapid.Space. Click the Get Re6st Token button and wait(!) until you are forwarded to the Re6st hosting subscription page. Read How To Request A Rapid.Space Re6st Token  (Presentation) for followed instructions.

Get Free CDN

Rapid.Space provides HTTPS front-ends (HTTP1, HTTP2, HTTP3) in 10 different locations worldwide. In China, Rapid.Space front-ends are places on all major carriers: China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile.

CDN provides a front-end solution to deliver data to end-users or to collect data from IoT. It is similar to Cloudflare or qiniu CDN in China.

  • HTTP2/HTTP3 with SSL/TLS
  • Content caching (Cache-Control, stale-while-revalidate , etc.)
  • Content buffering (fluentd, MQTT, SNMP, kafka, etc.)

The CDN service accelerates content delivery to end-users by reducing the time for end-users to negotiate SSL/TLS sessions and by keeping a copy of content close to end-users.

It can also be used to circumvent network congestion for global deployment of business applications of Web sites.

The CDN service also provides a way to buffer IoT data and forward it to the data processing backend. It reduces the risk of losing IoT data due to network congestion or backend downtime.

Click "Get Free CDN!", you will get to use frontend outside China. This frontend can be used for a service running on a host located inside or outside China. The only thing that matters is you will have your website to be easily accessible from outside China. 

This action will lead to the configuration page of the frontend. Please read How To Request A Rapid.Space CDN (Presentation) for followed instructions. 

Get Free Chinese CDN

Click "Get Free CDN!", you will get to use frontend inside China. This frontend can be used for a service running on a host located inside or outside China. The only thing that matters is you will have your website to be easily accessible from inside China. 

This action will lead to the configuration page of the frontend. Please read How To Request A Rapid.Space CDN (Presentation) for followed instructions.